Colored Pencil
This section features pieces created in colored pencil.
22"x34", colored pencil and acrylic paint
‘Friday’ is a master study of ‘Pharaoh’s Horses’ by J.F. Herring Sr. Personally, the piece feels like a representation of the past, present, and future. Taking note of J.F. Herring Sr.’s production of the horses’ different expressions, and deeply connecting with the excitement, contentment, and sorrowful expressions.
Colored pencil, INK, and lithography
“Flash” is a series of pieces that are typical traditional tattoo style with traditional imagery.
Colored pencil, graphite, and ink
“Animals” is a series of animal drawings, some shown in clothes.
Year of the Rabbit
graphite and ink
“Year of the Rabbit” was created for the year of the rabbit, 2023.
Granny and Papaw
“Granny and Papaw” is a series of two graphite portraits of Alyssa’s great-grandparents.